Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years Resolutions

So I guess the trick to these things are to put them in writing where everyone can see so I have someone to answer to. So here goes...

1. I want to be a better wife. There are a ton of things that I know I can do to be a better partner in my relationship. I can't wait around for Matt to do the same things, hopefully he will see my improvements and it will be motivation for him to step up his side too. Matt does a lot for me and I know that I don't recognize it enough.

2. Be a better and more involved aunt. I need to make more of an effort to spend quality time with all of my nieces and nephews through out the year. I need to take a more active role in Lily's life, like I do with my other nieces.  And with a face as cute as hers who wouldn't want to spend tons of time with her!

3. I want to get healthy. Not just loose weight but honestly get healthy. I know that the way that I have been taking care of myself is not good. I need to realize that I am worth it. Until I love myself enough to make the changes that I need to make I will be forever the way I am. This will be the year that I love myself enough to change. 

4. Get a good savings account going. With all of the trials that Matt and I have gone through this year we have still managed to come out on top. However, had we had a savings account in place (with money in it :) ) those trials would have been easier to bare. One thing that we have learned is that the only people you can trust is yourself. No one else will put as much importance on your needs and goals as you do. It is time to start taking care of ourselves. 

5. Go on vacation with my family. This one will be helped along hopefully by the wedding of two of my favorite people. Matt and I had such a blast going on vacation with his family this last summer I know that we would have as much fun with my family too. I think that the last time we went on a "family" vacation with all of us was in 1992! I am going to do everything I can to make this happen this year.

Well I think that covers it all. Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh the Craziness!

This year for the first time EVER Matt and I had the opportunity of hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house. This was such a huge change for me, for the past few years we have gone to others houses and even though we brought something for the dinner there was not a whole lot of involvement in getting dinner on the table. The first big stress was getting the house clean for the big day, and you would think that it should already be mostly clean right? I mean we just moved in a few short months ago. I guess that it might be some neurotic gene that I picked up from my mom but I just couldn't get things clean enough. I am pretty sure that Matt was looking up phone numbers for the psych ward as I was mopping the kitchen floor at 2 am the morning of Thanksgiving when I had to be up at 6 am to get the turkey in the oven. When I pulled out the carpet cleaner after that that was enough for him and I was sent to bed like a little kid. This was probably a good thing since over the next few days the 4 hours of sleep that I did get was the most sleep I got until Friday night. 

Thanksgiving dinner went pretty well, we all missed Josh for sure though. After dinner Matt and Deb went to go to visit Josh but were told that they couldn't because it was a holiday?! After they got home we played scattergories and had pie for desert.  

After everyone left Matt took me over to my mom's house for our annual strategy planning session where we plan our assault on WalMart for black friday savings. We decided to go over to Wally World and do some sneek peeking and figure out where everything was going to be placed so that we would know where to send the army when we got there. Even with all of this recon we still missed out on a few things that we wanted. There were so many people there! It was crazy! After we finished our assault on WalMart we headed over to JoAnn's for the fabric sale where we spent six lovely hours waiting in line to have our fabric cut. We meet some really cool people though. After JoAnn's we went to lunch and then home to mom's to look at what we scored. Ashlee and I went to Ben Franklins after that where I found the stuff to make Deb and Pat and Missy's Christmas presents. 

I just have a few more people to buy for and then I should be done, Jordan and the 5 kiddo's and something to give Josh when he gets home.