Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring is in the air

Well once again its been a while since I have updated, I am just not very good at these kind of things :(

Since my last post life has been pretty normal, not a ton going on other than work, babysitting kids etc.

Matt and I have gone from having a room mate (Matt's brother Josh) to living alone again. This is the first time in about 3 years that we have not had a room mate. It is weird to have things to ourselves. It is nice too.

I have started to work out on my own at home, Matt bought me a treadmill for my birthday this year and I am loving it! My trainer that I was working with has decided to focus on her family and her competitions so I am going to try things on my own and see what I can do. I have lost about 25 lbs. total and hope to be down another 25 by the end of the summer.

Matt is getting more into running his own company and is constantly looking for new projects to take on to build his business. He is going to attend another Magento conference and we are hoping it will be a great way to network and build some new relationships for him.

This past weekend we had a Easter egg hunt and BBQ at our house with our friends and family. We had such a great turnout this year! Cousins, Aunts, siblings, and tons of friends and kids! I may have gone just a little overboard with the eggs, we ran out of places to hide them so we just tossed them out on the grass for the kids to gather :) We hope that everyone enjoyed their time and made some fun memories.

We also got a new addition to our family on Saturday. Matt's brother Pat and his wife Melissa welcomed baby Jack to their family. They are out in Kentucky for dental school so we haven't got to officially meet him yet but we will be heading out in May to get our snuggling in! He is adorable and looks just like his big sister Lily.

Life is pretty good right now, can't wait for summer and warmer weather!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Wood Connection: 4,000 Facebook Fan Giveaway

The Wood Connection: 4,000 Facebook Fan Giveaway: We are so close to 4,000 fans on our facebook page! In order to help us get there, we are giving away four $25 gift certificates! To ente...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New year, new me??? Maybe....

I swear I am trying to be way more positive about things this year, even if it doesn't sound like it :)

So a few months ago I started working with a trainer that one of my friends suggested to me. We go for an hour a day, 5 days a week. One day we will work legs, the next arms, the next core and glutes and then start over with legs and arms. The first week that I went I was not able to walk afterwards :) Now I am on my 4th month and I am starting to get to the point that I can do most of what she asks us to do most of the time. I have lost 25 pounds so far! I am really happy with that, I have lost that much once before but it took me about 5 months to do it (not the 3 it took me this time) and I was taking a weight loss supplement as well. I am really proud of myself for sticking it out, going every day (well almost, December was hard for me) and for learning all kinds of new things.

There is one thing that still continues to be a struggle for me.... food. I crave it.... and not the good stuff. There are days that I sit and think that I would give my left arm to be able to go out to lunch somewhere. I have not followed the diet like I should have. I did pretty well for the first month or so. Second month, not so great. Third month (December)... diet??? What diet???? Yep I fell off the wagon big time.

So now I am sitting here thinking about what causes me to act the way I do with food? I have always been a pretty picky eater. I don't care for fruits or veggies. I LOVE breads or anything soft from the bakery. I drink soda like its going out of style. My biggest issue though is going out to eat. I would spend my last dime on fast food.

I see it as a treat. When we were growing up we didn't go out to eat very often. I am the oldest of 7 and eating out was not something that fit into my parents budget that often. So when we did get to go out it was a pretty big deal. Once I grew up and got my own job I was one of the few kids I knew that could care less about buying clothes, shoes, a car etc. I was happy as long as I had the money to go out to dinner or grab something on my way home. It was how I felt successful.

This also continued when I met Matt. I was working, he wasn't and so when we had a few extra dollars the first thing we did was treat ourselves to dinner out. Now that we are financially stable it amazes me how much we spend on going out. For Matt I think it is an easy way for him to see on a daily basis that he doing well to be able to go out and spend $40+ on dinner.

I just can't understand why we wouldn't want to put that money towards something that is non-consumable, something that is going to bring us joy, happiness, contentment, stability etc. down the road. Why aren't we putting that towards fixing fertility issues, making our home what we want it to be, building our savings account? For some reason we equate eating meals at home with being poor. Now how do we fix that??